Talmidei Yeshua

​​Graeme & Caroline Purdie

Messianic Ministry of NZ

Hawkes Bay Kehilah

Phone (021)710-1157

Email: talmidimnz@gmail.com

Ashok & Api Kumar

Auckland Kehilah

Phone (021) 0290-8194

Email: talmidimak@gmail.com

Graeme Purdie

Talmidei Yeshua Messianic Ministry Of New Zealand

As the author of this web site and its expository essays, my purpose for writing has been to bring forth a wider perspective on the Sovereign Plan of God as accurately as possible within the understanding I have been given to date. Having used the scriptural narrative as my main source of reference, I have maintained what I have been called to do as a Talmid of Yeshua, (Disciple of Yeshua).


As the founder of Talmidei Yeshua Messianic Ministry of New Zealand I hold a general over-sight role as Nasi (President) of our two Kehilot (Congregations) and earlier as a co-leader of Beth Yeshua Kehilah. My roles in the ministry have to date spanned over 23 years. 

On a personal level, my study of Scripture began in my mid-20's, at which stage I recognised my ancestral connection with Avraham (Abraham), with my journey as a Talmid of Yeshua now spanning over 50 years.

My wife Caroline and I wish to thank all those who have shown their love, support and fellowship and particularly to those who themselves have joined with Talmidei Yeshua Messianic Ministry of NZ here at the ‘Ends of the Earth’ from where we form part of the worldwide body of Yeshua.

We are indebted to Ashok and Api Kumar, who stepped up as Nasi and Administrator in our Auckland Kehilah, when we moved to develop our Hawkes Bay Kehilah. We also wish to thank others who have been strong supporters of the Ministry throughout the development years, always acting in and through their love of Yeshua. 

I hope my contribution to the collective knowledge of Scripture, will provide many with a deeper appreciation of the Sovereign Plan of YHVH and the place Isra’el continues to have both now and into eternity. I sincerely hope that those who read these essays will gain as much blessing from them, as I have had in researching and writing them. May YHVH richly bless all who are called to obey his commandments and bear witness to Yeshua in this 21st century while bringing glory to our heavenly Father in the way He intended.

Shalom b’Shem Yeshua HaMashiach

(Peace in the Name of Yeshua the Messiah)

Graeme Purdie 

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